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How do I unsubscribe from one of your mailing lists?

To unsubscribe from any of the Healthy Wealthy nWise annd/or Cosmos lists, simply scroll to the bottom of an email we have sent you.

You will see a link that simply says "Unsubscribe"

Click on that link.

On the page that appears in your browser simply select the lists you want to be unsubscribed to.

Be sure to hit the blue "Save My Subscriber Settings" at the bottom right.

NOTE - Clicking "Unsubscribe" from any lists will NOT cancel your membership to the Real Life Legends Club or any other paid membership programs. It will simply remove you from the list that notifies you about your benefits.

To cancel your membership, simply open up a support ticket by clicking here

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  1. Richard Thompson

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
